History funy
A funny story between a depressed American man from the countryside and a friend who is a prostitute in Mogadishu. This story takes place between a man who lives in Badiya and a man who lives in Mogadishu. This seafaring man is suffering from depression in the United States and wants to go to the United States. He came to a friend of mine who lives in Mogadishu and told him that he had depression and that he wanted to come to the United States. The man who lived in Mogadishu said, "I am a friend of yours and it is easier for you to enter the country than the man who lived there." The man. A resident of Mogadishu said, "How many friends do you know who will be taken to the United States?" He said, "Friend, I heard that you have been paid $ 10,000. The man said, 'Friend, I have less money. Make me $ 15,000.' The man said, 'I don't mind. He got out of his car and took a friend with you. The boat was loaded with a friend of mine, most of whom ...