History of the prophet Muhammad (SAW)

1.      History of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Prophet Muhammad csw, was born in Makkah, without an elder (Yatiin), in the month of Rabi'al Awal, in the year called the Year of the Elephant, his father died in the womb of his mother (two months), and when he was born his mother was raised by his grandfather Abdul Mudalib.

His mother died when he was six months old, and his grandfather Abdul Muttalib died when he was eight years old, and his life was sponsored by his uncle Abu Talib, who lived with him until his uncle died. She was breastfed by Halimat Saadiya.

1. | Bilad Shaam's Journey and Khadija's Marriage

When Muhammad was 12 years old, he and his uncle traveled to Bilad Shaam, so; On the way, they met Al-Rahib Buhayrah, a resident of Medina Busra.

Al-Rahib was moved by the sight of Muhammad, by the description of what he saw in the Book (Ahl al-Kitab), and what was said about Muhammad's description. Al-Rahib told the people, and they said Al-Rahibow how did you know? He said, "When you returned from the obstacle, there was nothing left of the trees and the stones, except for a few of them, and they did not prostrate except for one prophet." That is how I came to know that this boy is the last of the Prophets.

Abu Talib always warned Muhammad not to go with Ardi Ruum, for fear of being killed.

Abu Talib returned Muhammad to Makkah, then Abu Talib returned to Ardi Shaam, where Khadija Bint Quwaylad and her son (Meysar) were staying, so Abu Talib informed Khadija of what had happened to him and Muhammad, after Khadija wanted to marry Muhammad.

When Abu Talib returned, Muhammad accepted Khadija's offer. Muhammad accepted her and married her. He was 25 years old and she was 40 years old. the other One Girl.

Malakul Jibril first sent down Surat al-Calaq, in the month of Ramadan in the 40th year of Muhammad's birth, to a place called Gaaral-xera. Muhammad returned home in fear. Khadija wrapped him in a blanket and brought him. Khadijah's cousin Warqah Ibn Nowfal told him that Muhammad would be the Prophet of this nation.

Ibn Nofal wanted to be a strong young man to help the Prophet, after which the Prophet was sent down with Suratul Mudathir, then God commanded him to call his people to Islam. The first person to believe in the Prophet was Abu Bakr, the first of his wives was Khadijah, the first of his sons was Ali bin Abi Talib, and the first of the slaves was Zeen bin Harith.

I converted to Islam:


Osman Bib Afaan

Sa'ad bin abii waqas

Abdurrahman Bin Coof

Osman Bin Madcuun

Abu Salama Bin Abdul Asad

Al-Aqram Ibn Abil Aqram

The Prophet and his Companions used to meet in secret at the House of Al-Aqram Ibn Abil Aqram, where they met secretly for three years.

2. | The suffering of the Quraysh and the migration of Ardi Habashi

The trial of the Prophet (Al-Jahriya) continued, and the Quraysh inflicted a great deal of harm on the Prophet and his Companions, and described him as something other than him. They said: They used to throw stones and rubbish at him, harass him when he prayed, and kill anyone who followed him.

Bilal Bin Rubah, Khabaab Ibn Al-aart,

Amar Bin Yasir and

Yasir's father and mother,

Many died as a result of their persecution (God forbid). As the Muslims became more and more troubled, he advised his congregation to emigrate to Ardul Habashi, where a just king named Najaashi was present.

About a hundred of the Prophet's companions emigrated, welcomed King Najashi, and honored him, and the Messenger went to Ta'if, to tell the people of Ta'if about his case in order to save them, but they denied it, and threw it away.
