History Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

The Migration of Medina

The Prophet ordered his companions to emigrate to Medina, and to hide in secret all of them, after the Messenger had decided to hide from the infidels who wanted to kill him. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, accompanied Abu Bakr, marched north, and settled in Gaar Thowr, for three days until the disbelievers lost sight of Muhammad.

The food was brought by Asmaa Bint Abubakar, and Abdullahi Bin Abubakar brought the news from Mecca.

Amir Ibn Fuhayra (Abu Bakr's slave) used to pass goats and goats to the place where the Prophet and Abu Bakr were staying, to hide their footprints, and to give milk to the Prophet and Abu Bakr. The disbelievers followed in the footsteps of the animals until they came to the place where the Prophet and Abu Bakr were at the Gate, but God turned a blind eye to them.

The Quraysh said that whoever reported Muhammad we would give him 100 bu'ys but Allah protected his Prophet, he protected him from all evil, as he protected him in the way of Suraqa Bin Malik, when his horse fell to the ground, and he asked Allah not to tell him.

6. | The Prophet's Entry into Medina

When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) entered Madinah, he settled in a place called Qubaa, similar to the City of Madinah, and stayed there for three days. The Ansar welcomed the Prophet and all the people of Medina rejoiced at his arrival.

When the Prophet entered Medina he landed at the house of Abi Ayyub (r.c.) and the people of the city were named Al-Ansar, and those who migrated from Mecca were called Al-Muhajireen. The Prophet's greatest achievement in Medina was the construction of the Al-Quba Mosque. The Prophet reconciled the two tribes of Ahlu Balad, Al-Aws and Al-Qazraj, and made the Ansar and the Muhajireen brothers. He wrote a letter of agreement between him and the Jews.

7. | His jihad

God commanded His Messenger to make Jihad a way to defend the Muslims and to spread the religion of God. There were many battles between the Prophet and the infidels. The Muslims were defeated and the disbelievers were defeated. 70 were killed by the disbelievers.

This was followed by the Battle of Uhud, which took place in the third year of the Hijrah, near Medina, at Jabal Uhud.

Then the disbelievers returned, and they followed the victory. This was followed by the battle of Al-Ahzab, which took place in the 5th year of the Hijrah. The Quraysh and their tribes met. Binu Qureeza).

After they had violated the agreement they had reached, God sent a mighty wind to disperse the unbelievers and save the Muslims from the battle. The battle of Binu Qureza, after his return, was followed by the battle of Al-Ahzab. In this battle the Muslims came to the Jews of Binu Qureza who broke their treaty with the Muslims, even leaving the rule of Sa'ad bin Mu'adh which ended their strife.

8. | Peace of Al-Hudeybiya

The Prophet and his congregation came out. In the 6th year, they came to Makkah. They did not need to fight. They only came to Mecca. Without age, they can come next year.

9. | Opening of Makkah

In the 8th year of the Hijrah, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, set out to open Makkah, after the disbelievers had rejected the treaty. In the Arabian Peninsula, a group of Arabs returned to Medina to spread their Islam.

10. | The Death of the Prophet

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) died at the age of 63, on a Monday morning, in the month of Rabi ', and was buried in the tomb of Aisha.

O God make us those who follow the path of the Prophet (csw). (AMEN) Wabilaahi Towfiiq Prepared by: Adnan Abdulkadir Haji

Name & Genealogy

Mohammed (Arabic: ﻣﺤﻤﺪ, “Mohamed”;

Abū al-Qāsim Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Mu ibnalib ibn alAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim, ku ﻠﺐ ﻋ ﺒﺪﺍﺑﻦ ﻋ ﺒ ﺪﻟ ﻠﻪﺍﺑﻦ ﻣﺤﻤﺪﺍﻟ ﻘﺎﺳﻢﺍﺑ ﻮ) was born in Makkah, Hijaz, in the Arabian Peninsula (modern-day Saudi Arabia) at about 570 C.D. (Arabic history known as the "Year of the Elephant"), who died on June 8, 632 C.D. (at the age of 62 or 63) in Medina, Hijaz, in the Arabian Peninsula (modern-day Saudi Arabia) is the Prophet and Messenger of Allah (PBUH). s.w) sent down to Islam who was a leader, teacher, guide, narrator, scholar, judge and the first head of the Companions (those who believed in the Prophet), during that time, and all human beings until the Day of Judgment.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) revealed the Holy Quran as the foundation and foundation of Islam. Also, Prophet Muhammad Mohamed peace be upon him.svg is the last prophet and messenger sent by Allah (s.w) to the people. In addition, Prophet Muhammad is the most honored of the 25 prophets and messengers mentioned in the Qur'an.

Unbelievers consider the Prophet Muhammad to be the one who converted to Islam, but Muslims have a different belief in the belief that the Prophet Muhammad was sent down from the one true God from the time of Prophet Adam. Prophet Noah, Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, Prophet David, Prophet Jesus until the end of Prophet Muhammad.

However, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born in Makkah, Hijaz, in the Arabian Peninsula (modern-day Saudi Arabia) in about 570 C.D., the year known to the Arabs as the "Year of the Elephant." ”. Prophet Muhammad's parents died when he was still young, and he was raised by his uncle Abu Talib. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was a shepherd when he was a child.

prepared by

Ali Ismacil


